A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Chriſtian revelation. In anſwer to Mr Hobbs, Spinoza, the author of the oracles of reaſon, and other deniers of natural and revealed religion. Being ſixteen sermons, preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of St Paul, in the years 1704, and 1705, at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Eſq;
"A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Chriſtian revelation. In anſwer to Mr Hobbs, Spinoza, the author of the oracles of reaſon, and other deniers of natural and revealed religion. Being ſixteen sermons, preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of St Paul, in the years 1704, and 1705, at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Eſq;" owned by Nagoya University Library, retrieved from Digital Library of Western Books(https://da.adm.thers.ac.jp/en/item/n003-20230901-00100)
Collection category
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Chriſtian revelation. In anſwer to Mr Hobbs, Spinoza, the author of the oracles of reaſon, and other deniers of natural and revealed religion. Being ſixteen sermons, preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of St Paul, in the years 1704, and 1705, at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Eſq;
Samuel Clarke, D.D.
The sixth edition, corrected. There is inſerted in this edition, A discourse concerning the connexion of the propheſies in the Old Teſtament, and the application of them to Chriſt. There is alſo added, An answer to a seventh letter, concerning the argument à priori
[24], 119, [19], 299, [1], 48, [2] p. ; 21 cm. (8vo)CW:A demonstration of the being and attributes of God
Issue details
London : Printed by W. Botham, for James Knapton ... , 1725
Issue year
Head- and tail-pieces; initials , The register is continuous , :A re-issue of 3 separately published works, with a general t.p , With a final leaf of advertisements , Page 110 (2nd group of paging) incorrectly numbered 101, Page [2], [4], [6] (1st group), [1], [3], [5] (3rd group), [1] (5th group), [2] (6th group): blank , Page [3] = title page: A demonstration of the being and attributes of God: More particularly in anſwer to Mr Hobbs, Spinoza, and their followers: ... By Samuel Clarke, D.D. Rector of St James's Weſtminſter. The sixth edition, corrected. London; printed by W. Botham, for James Knapton ... , 1725 , Second section, page [1] = title page: A discourse concerning the unchangeable obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Chriſtian revelation. ... By Samuel Clarke, D.D. Rector of St. James's Weſtminſter. The sixth edition, corrected. London, printed by Will. Botham, for James Knapton ... , 1724 , Third section, page [1]: Several letters to the Reverend Dr Clarke, from a gentleman in Gloceſterſhire, relating to the first volume of the foregoing sermons; with the Dr's answers thereunto. The third edition. London: printed for James Knapton ... , 1725 , :Signatures: A[8] b[4] B-2H[8] 2I[4] , Inscription on front flyleaf: John Lloyd his Book ; on t. p. : John Lloyd
Bibliography ID
Material ID
Original Owner
Nagoya University Library
Call number
Hobbes I//68
ESTC T103458
Nagoya University Library
Material type
Book (PDF)
Digital Library of Western Books
Digital archive of the Western rare books of Nagoya University Library.
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