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■List of Application Examples

1.  Publication in documents, etc.
No.Publication Title, etc.
Published Media
Materials used
Kovacic, M. (2023). "Chapter 4 Opening the West with Japanese Mermaid Mummies: Ningyo in the Making of the Theory of Evolution". In Reopening the Opening of Japan. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Book 


魚譜 三  

魚譜 三

※All from the "Ito Keisuke Collection"



2.  Use for merchandise

Photographs, etc.Creator, etc.FormMaterials used
Nagoya University LibraryClear file, postcardClear file:木曽三川流域大絵図土岐郷風景     
※All from the "Takagi Family Documents Digital Library"
Nagoya University LibraryClear file、slip、bookmarkClear file:クサイ   form 錦窠魚譜  
slip, bookmark:ツバキ from 錦窠植物図説from, 山茶科山茶譜, etc.  
※All from the "Ito Keisuke Collection"
Nagoya University Librarybookmark祭禮紙様 from 青木文庫    
※From the "Kotenseki Descriptive Database"