The grounds and occaſions of the contempt of the clergy and religion enquired into, in a letter to R. L. with observations on the answer thereto, in a letter to the ſame. To which are added considerations on Mr. Hobbes's state of nature, with ſeveral other pieces
"The grounds and occaſions of the contempt of the clergy and religion enquired into, in a letter to R. L. with observations on the answer thereto, in a letter to the ſame. To which are added considerations on Mr. Hobbes's state of nature, with ſeveral other pieces" owned by Nagoya University Library, retrieved from Digital Library of Western Books(
Collection category
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The grounds and occaſions of the contempt of the clergy and religion enquired into, in a letter to R. L. with observations on the answer thereto, in a letter to the ſame. To which are added considerations on Mr. Hobbes's state of nature, with ſeveral other pieces
John Eachard, D.D.
144 p. ; 18 cm. (8vo)
Issue details
London : Printed for J. Philips..., H. Rhodes..., J.Taylor..., and K. Bently... , 1698
Issue year
Signatures: A[8](±A1) B-I[8] , Insciption on front flyleaf verso: Ann Postlethwaite. , Insciriptions on t.p. and end flyleaf verso: Mary Postlethwayte. , Insciptions on front flyleaf verso and t.p.
Bibliography ID
Material ID
Original Owner
Nagoya University Library
Call number
Hobbes I//100
ESTC R214657 , Wing(2nd ed., 1994), E56
Nagoya University Library
Material type
Book (PDF)
Digital Library of Western Books
Digital archive of the Western rare books of Nagoya University Library.
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