Popery: or, The principles & poſitions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all; and to Proteſtant kings and supreme powers, more eſpecially pernicious: and inconſiſtent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indiſpenſably due to supreme powers. In a letter to a perſon of honor
"Popery: or, The principles & poſitions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all; and to Proteſtant kings and supreme powers, more eſpecially pernicious: and inconſiſtent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indiſpenſably due to supreme powers. In a letter to a perſon of honor" owned by Nagoya University Library, retrieved from Digital Library of Western Books(https://da.adm.thers.ac.jp/en/item/n003-20230901-00063)
Collection category
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Popery: or, The principles & poſitions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all; and to Proteſtant kings and supreme powers, more eſpecially pernicious: and inconſiſtent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indiſpenſably due to supreme powers. In a letter to a perſon of honor
T. Ld Biſhop of Lincoln
[2], 108 [i.e. 116] p. ; 22 cm. (4to)
Issue details
[London] : In the Savoy: Printed by T. Newcomb, and ſold by James Collins ... , 1679
Issue year
Anonymous. By Thomas Barlow. Cf. Halkett & Laing (2nd ed.), v. 4, p. 396 [referred to London, 1680. 8vo. ed.] , Signatures: [A]1 B-P[4] Q[2] , Initials; head pieces , Errors in paging: p. 57-64 repeated , Library's copy imperfect. Preliminary imprimatur leaf wanting
Bibliography ID
Material ID
Original Owner
Nagoya University Library
Call number
Hobbes I//17
Wing(2nd ed., 1994), B839 , ESTC R228432
Nagoya University Library
Material type
Book (PDF)
Digital Library of Western Books
Digital archive of the Western rare books of Nagoya University Library.
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