Dissertation on first principles of government. To which is added, the genuine speech, translated, and delivered at the tribune of the French convention, July 7, 1795
"Dissertation on first principles of government. To which is added, the genuine speech, translated, and delivered at the tribune of the French convention, July 7, 1795" owned by Nagoya University Library, retrieved from Digital Library of Western Books(https://da.adm.thers.ac.jp/en/item/n003-20230901-00008)
Collection category
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Dissertation on first principles of government. To which is added, the genuine speech, translated, and delivered at the tribune of the French convention, July 7, 1795
Paine, Thomas
Second edition
[3], 6-39, [1], 6 p. ; 22 cm. (8vo in 4s)
Issue details
[London] : Paris:Printed. London:Printed for V. Griffiths ... , 1795
Issue year
At head of title: The only genuine edition, from the Paris copy, now in the poſſeſſion of the publiſher , Signatures: A1 B-E[4] F[2] [G][2](G2+1), Library's copy is not identified with ESTC T5827, Without the publisher's address to the reader,
There is not the phrase "With the publisher's address to the reader" beneath the edition statement , The speech is separately paginated , Without a half-title
There is not the phrase "With the publisher's address to the reader" beneath the edition statement , The speech is separately paginated , Without a half-title
Political science
Bibliography ID
Material ID
Original Owner
Nagoya University Library
Call number
Nagoya University Library
Material type
Book (PDF)
Digital Library of Western Books
Digital archive of the Western rare books of Nagoya University Library.
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