The works of the moſt Reverend Father in God, John Bramhall D.D. late Lord Archbiſhop of Ardmagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland. Some of which never before printed. Collected into one volume. To which is added (for the vindication of ſome of his writings) an exact copy of the records, touching Archbiſhop Parker's conſecration, taken from the original in the regiſtry of the See of Canterbury. As also the copy of an old manuſcript in Corpus Chr. Colledge in Cambridge, of the ſame subject. With the life of the author
"The works of the moſt Reverend Father in God, John Bramhall D.D. late Lord Archbiſhop of Ardmagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland. Some of which never before printed. Collected into one volume. To which is added (for the vindication of ſome of his writings) an exact copy of the records, touching Archbiſhop Parker's conſecration, taken from the original in the regiſtry of the See of Canterbury. As also the copy of an old manuſcript in Corpus Chr. Colledge in Cambridge, of the ſame subject. With the life of the author" owned by Nagoya University Library, retrieved from Digital Library of Western Books(
Collection category
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The works of the moſt Reverend Father in God, John Bramhall D.D. late Lord Archbiſhop of Ardmagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland. Some of which never before printed. Collected into one volume. To which is added (for the vindication of ſome of his writings) an exact copy of the records, touching Archbiſhop Parker's conſecration, taken from the original in the regiſtry of the See of Canterbury. As also the copy of an old manuſcript in Corpus Chr. Colledge in Cambridge, of the ſame subject. With the life of the author
[60], 320, 323-1050, [4] p. ; 33 cm. (fol.)
Issue details
Dublin : Printed by Benjamin Tooke, printer to the kings moſt excellent majeſty , 1677
Issue year
Title page printed in red and black with double-ruled border , "Dedication signed: Jo: Lymeric, i.e. John Vesey, successively Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe (jointly) and archbishop of Tuam."-- Cf. ESTC , "Each discourse with separate title page, lacking printer's name, dated either 1674, 1675, or 1676."--ESTC , Signatures: [a]1 b-c[2] e-f[2] [g][2], h-p[2], q(3 ll.), A-C[2], D-Z[6], 2A-2D[4] 2E[2] 2F-2Y[4] 2Z[2], 3A-3G[4] 3H-3I[2], 3K-4D[4], 4E[8] 4G-6A[4], [6B][4] 6C-6F[4], [2]G-O[2]; b2 signed 'b', c2 signed 'c', e2 signed 'e', [g]2 signed 'e2' , Initials , Errors in paging: pages 75,77-80,82,94,138, 238, 639-640, 792, 806, 814, 860, 889-892, 968, 974, 979 incorrectly numbered; 73,75-78,80,95,137, 228, 637-638, 762, 798, 418, 861, 879-880, 882, 882, 966, 960, 969 respectively; 321-322 omitted , Bookplate on front pastedown: Cathedral Library, ELY , 4U2 and 4U3 misfolded as 4U3(p. 763-764), 4U2(p. 761-762)
Bibliography ID
Material ID
Original Owner
Nagoya University Library
Call number
Hobbes I//44
ESTC R20173 , Wing (2nd ed., 1994), B4211
Nagoya University Library
Material type
Book (PDF)
Digital Library of Western Books
Digital archive of the Western rare books of Nagoya University Library.
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