Historical view of plans, for the government of British India, and regulation of trade to the East Indies. And outlines of a plan of foreign government, of Commercial Oeconomy, and of Domestic Administration, for the Asiatic interests of Great Britain
"Historical view of plans, for the government of British India, and regulation of trade to the East Indies. And outlines of a plan of foreign government, of Commercial Oeconomy, and of Domestic Administration, for the Asiatic interests of Great Britain" owned by Nagoya University Library, retrieved from Digital Library of Western Books(https://da.adm.thers.ac.jp/en/item/n003-20230901-00049)
Collection category
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Mizuta Library
Historical view of plans, for the government of British India, and regulation of trade to the East Indies. And outlines of a plan of foreign government, of Commercial Oeconomy, and of Domestic Administration, for the Asiatic interests of Great Britain
Bruce, John
Creator relevance
Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount
xii, 45, [4], 48-368, 371-632, [2] p. ; 29 cm. (4to)
Issue details
London : Printed for J. Sewell, ... and J. Debrett ... , 1793
Issue year
With a half-title , Anonymous. By John Bruce. Ascribed also to H. Dundas, Lord Melville. Cf. Halkett & Laing (2nd ed.) , Another issue of this work appeared in 1793 with only the year of publication in the imprint: 1793; and without the errata leaf after p.xii. --ESTC , Signatures: [A][4] a[2] B-F[4] G[4](G2+1) H-4K[4] 4L[2](4L1+'4L2') 4[M][2](4M1, 4M2 blank), Text and register continuous despite pagination , Not identified with ESTC T148096 , Advertisement on half-title verso , Errata on p. [1] at end
Bibliography ID
Material ID
Original Owner
Nagoya University Library
Call number
Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 15633 , Halkett & Laing (2nd ed.), v. 3, p. 57
Nagoya University Library
Material type
Book (PDF)
Digital Library of Western Books
Digital archive of the Western rare books of Nagoya University Library.
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