Miracles work's above and contrary to nature: or, An anſwer to a late tranſlation out of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus, Mr. Hobb's Leviathan, &c. Publiſhed to undermine the truth and authority of miracles, scripture, and religion, in a treatiſe entituled Miracles no violation of the laws of nature
"Miracles work's above and contrary to nature: or, An anſwer to a late tranſlation out of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus, Mr. Hobb's Leviathan, &c. Publiſhed to undermine the truth and authority of miracles, scripture, and religion, in a treatiſe entituled Miracles no violation of the laws of nature" owned by Nagoya University Library, retrieved from Digital Library of Western Books(https://da.adm.thers.ac.jp/en/item/n003-20230901-00085)
Collection category
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Miracles work's above and contrary to nature: or, An anſwer to a late tranſlation out of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus, Mr. Hobb's Leviathan, &c. Publiſhed to undermine the truth and authority of miracles, scripture, and religion, in a treatiſe entituled Miracles no violation of the laws of nature
[2], 68 p. ; 21 cm. (4to)
Issue details
London : Printed for Samuel Smith ... , 1683
Issue year
Attributed to Thomas Browne, B.D., of St John's College, Cambridge. Cf. Halkett & Laing (2nd ed.), v. 4, p. 83 , Pages 60, 61 misnumbered 50, 42 respectively , Signatures: [A]1 B-I[4] K[2]
Bibliography ID
Material ID
Original Owner
Nagoya University Library
Call number
Hobbes I//47
ESTC R1298 , Wing (2nd ed., 1994), B5184B
Nagoya University Library
Material type
Book (PDF)
Digital Library of Western Books
Digital archive of the Western rare books of Nagoya University Library.
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