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This is the User Guide page for this website. Please select the item you wish to review from the menu on the right.      
If you have any questions, please contact us by clicking here.

Structure of this website
HomeNew news, electronic exhibits, and more.
CollectionContents are listed by collection. There is a detailed description of each collection.
SearchKeyword and narrowing searches are available. Click here to see how to search.
GuideThis page. This page provides information on how to use this site.
NewsNews related to this site.
ExhibitionThe contents of this site are introduced by theme.
ApplicationHere are some examples of how our content is used. There is also a utilization case report form.
Contact  Inquiry Form. If you have any questions about this site, please contact us.


About Tokai National Higher Education and Research System Academic Digital Archive

This website is a platform for publishing image data among the aca Research System. You can search across multiple collections. For more information, please click here.