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Popery: or, The principles & poſitions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all; and to Proteſtant kings and supreme powers, more eſpecially pernicious: and inconſiſtent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indiſpenſably due to supreme powers. In a letter to a perſon of honor
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Anima mundi: or, An hiſtorical narration of the opinions of the ancients concerning man's soul after this life: according to unenlightened nature
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
An appeal from the country to the city, for the preſervation of His Majeſties perſon, liberty, property, and the Proteſtant religion
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The life of the thrice noble, high and puiſſant prince William Cavendiſhe, Duke, Marqueſs, and Earl of Newcaſtle; Earl of Ogle; Viſcount Mansfield; and Baron of Bolſover, of Ogle, Bothal and Hepple: gentleman of His Majeſties bed-chamber; one of His Majeſties moſt honourable Privy-Councel; Knight of the moſt noble order of the Garter; His Majeſties Lieutenant of the county and town of Nottingham; and Juſtice in Ayre Trent-North: who had the honour to be governour to our moſt glorious King, and gracious Soveraign, in his youth, when he was Prince of Wales; and ſoon after was made Captain General of all the provinces beyond the river of Trent, and other parts of the kingdom of England, with power, by a ſpecial commiſſion, to make knights
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I