日本大家論集 第弐巻第壱号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
日本大家論集 第弐巻第弐号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
日本大家論集 第弐巻第三号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
日本大家論集 第弐巻第四号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
日本大家論集 第弐巻第五号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
日本大家論集 第弐巻第六号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
日本大家論集 第弐巻第八号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
国民之教育 下冊
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
日本六法全書 完
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅴ 宗教・信仰
- 01 寺社
- (06)麦房神社
仏教四恩在家教導 乾 一名唱歌の初音
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅴ 宗教・信仰
- 02 信仰
- (02)経典類
仏徒安心在家教導 坤 一名唱歌の初音
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅴ 宗教・信仰
- 02 信仰
- (02)経典類
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅴ 宗教・信仰
- 02 信仰
- (03)神仏画
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 04 警察勤務
- (02)会計・給与・経費
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 04 警察勤務
- (02)会計・給与・経費
The genuine remains of that learned prelate Dr. Thomas Barlow, late Lord Biſhop of Lincoln. Containing divers diſcourſes theological, philoſophical, hiſtorical, &c. In letters to several perſons of honour and quality. To which is added the reſolution of many abſtruſe points. As alſo directions to a young divine for his study of divinity, and choice of books, &c. With great variety of other subjects
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The oracles of reason: conſisting of 1. A vindication of Dr. Burnet's Archiologiæ. 2. The seventh and eighth chapters of the ſame. 3. Of Moſes's deſcription of the original ſtate of man, &c. 4. Dr. Burnet's appendix of the Brachmin's religion. 5. An account of the Deiſt's religion. 6. Of the immortality of the soul. 7. Concerning the Arrians, Trinitarians and councils. 8. That felicity conſists in pleaſure. 9. Of fate and fortune. 10. Of the original of the Jews. 11. The lawfulneſs of marrying two siſters suceſſively. 12. A political account of the subverſion of Jewdaiſm, and original of the millenium. 13. Of the auguries of the antients. 14. Natural religion as oppos'd to divine revelation. 15. That the soul is matter. 16. That the world is eternal, &c. In ſeveral letters to Mr. Hobbs and other perſons of eminent quality, and learning / by Char. Blount ...; Mr. Gildon, and others
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Natural religion inſufficient; and reveal'd neceſſary to man's happiness in his preſent state: or, A rational enquiry into the principles of the modern deiſts: wherein is largely diſcovered their utter inſufficiency to anſwer the great ends of religion, and the weakneſs of their pleadings for the sufficiency of nature's light to eternal happineſs; and particularly the writings of the learn'd Lord Herbert, the great patron of deiſm, to wit, his books De veritate, De religione gentilium, and his Religio laici, in ſo far as they aſſert Nature' s lightable to conduct us to future bleſſedneſs, are conſider'd, and fully answer'd: to which treatiſe are annex'd ſeveral eſſays upon other subjects / by the late reverend Mr. Thomas Halyburton ..
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I