Leviathan, or, The matter, form, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiastical and civil
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Mizuta Library
A tale of a tub. Written for the univerſal improvement of mankind. To which is added, an account of a battel between the antient and modern books in St. James's Library
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Cent Lib Rare
The essays or Counſels, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viſcount St Alban. With a table of the colours of good & evil. Whereunto is added The wisdom of the antients. Enlarged by the honourable author himſelf; and now more exactly publiſhed
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Great is Diana of the Ephesians: or, The original of idolatry, together with the politick inſtitution of the gentiles sacrifices
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The two firſt books, of Philostratus, concerning the life of Apollonius Tyaneus: Written originally in Greek, and now publiſhed in English: Together with philological notes upon each chapter
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Some passages of the life and death of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester, who died the 26th of July, 1680
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The works of William Chillingworth Maſter of Arts, of the Univerſity of Oxford. Containing his book, entitl'd The religion of protestants a safe way to salvation: together with his nine sermons preached before the king, or upon eminent occaſions. His letter to Mr. Lewgar, concerning the Church of Rome's being the guide of faith and judge of controverſies. His nine additional diſcourſes. And his anſwer to ſome paſſages in Ruſhworth's Dialogues, concerning traditions
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Patriarcha: or, The natural power of kings / by the learned Sir Robert Filmer, baronet
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The hereditary right of the crown of England asserted; the history of the succession ſince the Conquest clear'd; and the true Engliſh constitution vindicated from the misrepresentations of Dr. Higden's View and Defence. Wherein some mistakes alſo of our common historians are rectify'd; and ſeveral particulars relating to the succeſſion, and to the title of the Houſe of Suffolk, are now firſt publiſh'd from ancient records and original MSS; together with an authentick copy of King Henry VIII.'s will / by a gentleman
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
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