Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
商務雑誌 第百十一号(臨時発行)
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
修正新撰小学理科教科書 巻一
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
修正新撰小学理科教科書 巻二
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
農事月報 第弐拾六号
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
修正新定地誌 巻一
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
修正新定地誌 巻二
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (05)刊行物
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (04)広告
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (04)広告
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (07)吉凶仏事
The historie of the reigne of King Henry the Seventh
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Fr. Baconi de Verulamio Sermones fideles, ethici, politici, œconomici: sive Interiora rerum. Accedit faber fortunæ &c.
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The miſcellaneous works of Charles Blount, Esq; containing I. The oracles of reason, &c. II. Anima mundi, or The opinions of the ancients concerning man's soul after this life, according to uninlighten'd nature. III. Great is Diana of the Epheſians, or The original of prieſtcraft and idolatry, and of the sacrifices of the gentiles. IV. An appeal from the country to the city for the preſervation of His Majeſties perſon, liberty and property, and the proteſtant religion. V. A juſt vindication of learning, and of the liberty of the preſs. VI. A suppoſed dialogue betwixt the late King James and King William on the banks of the Boyne the day before that famous victory. To which is prefix'd the life of the author, and an account and vindication of his death. With the contents of the whole volume
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
The compleate copy-holder. Wherein is contained a learned diſcourſe of the antiquity and nature of manors and copy-holds. VVith all things thereto incident, as preſentments, admittances, surrenders, forfeitures, cuſtomes, &c. Neceſſary, both for the lord and tenant. Together with the forme of keeping a copy-hold court, and court baron
Digital Library of Western Books Nagoya University Library
- Hobbes Collection & Mizuta Library
- Hobbes Collection I
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (01)教育
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 小寺家文書
- Ⅲ 近代
- 05 家族
- (01)教育
修正新撰帝国史要 上巻
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅳ 吉田家
- 02 教育・学校
- (02)学習
修正新撰帝国史要 下巻
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅳ 吉田家
- 02 教育・学校
- (02)学習
刪修 撰定中学漢文 巻七
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅳ 吉田家
- 02 教育・学校
- (02)学習
刪修 撰定中学漢文 巻八
Takagi Family Documents Digital Library Ogaki City
- 牧田村吉田家文書
- Ⅳ 吉田家
- 02 教育・学校
- (02)学習