Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1987.5.16, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,サクラソウ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1984.5.17, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,サクラソウ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
2002.5.14, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,サクラソウ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
2006.5., JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,サクラソウ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
2008.6.1, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,サクラソウ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1993.5.6, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,ミカワシオガマ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1989.10.4, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,ミカワシオガマ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1989.8.20, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,ミカワシオガマ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1989.8.20, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,ミカワシオガマ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1989.8.22, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,ミカワシオガマ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
2011.10.11, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,フジバカマ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1993.10.12, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,フジバカマ
Botanical Specimen Collection of Herbarium GIFU, Faculty of Education, Gifu University the Herbarium of Gifu University Local History Museum, Faculty of Education
1992.10.27, JAPAN, Gifu Pref.,単層円柱上皮 人 肝臓の導管 鉄Hx染色 ×500
Human Tissue Illustrations Nagoya University Museum
多列繊毛上皮 人 気管 H-E染色 ×500
Human Tissue Illustrations Nagoya University Museum
移行上皮 人 尿管 H-E染色 ×200
Human Tissue Illustrations Nagoya University Museum
単層立方上皮 人 脈絡嚢 H-E染色 ×500
Human Tissue Illustrations Nagoya University Museum
重層扁平上皮 人 食道中部 H-E染色 ×200
Human Tissue Illustrations Nagoya University Museum
内分泌腺 ヒト 下垂体前葉 H-E染色 ×400
Human Tissue Illustrations Nagoya University Museum
上皮内単細胞腺 ヒト 小腸 H-E染色 ×500
Human Tissue Illustrations Nagoya University Museum